viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

[ACW] Fire & Fury Introduction

Para este año, hemos pensado en jugar una campaña sobre mapa de la Guerra Civil Americana y como no, lo primero es aprender a jugar con el reglamento que usaremos para las batallas. Fire & Fury (F&F).

Uri y yo, ya habíamos jugado una partida introductoria, pero sin tropas propias y guiados por Tony. Ahora era la hora de ver que pasaba y empezar a caminar nosotros solos. Además Gumly, que no había jugado aun ninguna partida, se unió con sus tropas sudistas.

Como F&F no tiene un sistema de puntos propios, decidimos probar el sistema de Puntos de Campaña (PC) que usaremos para reclutar y entrenar a nuestros Regimientos. En esta ocasión, decidimos jugar con 20 PC y a ver que salia.

Os dejo los Orbat de la partida.


General (Poor)

1st Brigada
Brigadier  (Poor)
4ª NY Green, Reliable, RM 320 men (8 Stands)
6ª NY Green, Reliable, RM 320 men (8 Stands)

2nd Brigada
Brigadier  (Poor)
8ª WS Trained, Reliable, RM 400 men (10 Stands)


General (Poor)

1st Brigada
Brigadier  (Poor)
12º VR Trained, Spitited, RM 320 men (8 Stands)
9º VR Green, Reliable, RM 320 men (8 Stands)

2nd Brigada
Brigadier  (Poor)
32º TX Green, Reliable, RM 320 men (8 Stands)
3th Half Battery LR 4 Guns (2 Stands)

La partida fue muy ágil, y rápidamente nos hicimos con la mecánica del reglamento. Ahora toca practicar un poco más, antes de empezar con la campaña.

For this year, we thought about playing a campaign on map of the American Civil War and of course, the first thing is to learn to play with the rules we use to battle. Fire & Fury (F & F).

Uri and I had already played an introductory game, but own troops and led by Tony. Now it was time to see what happened and start walking ourselves. In addition Gumly, who had not even played any game, joined his troops Southerners.

As F & F does not have a system of own points, we decided to try the Campaign Points system (PC) that we use to recruit and train our regiments. On this occasion, we decided to play with 20 PC and see what came out.

I leave the ORBAT departure.


General (Poor)

1st Brigade
Brigadier (Poor)
NY 4th Green, Reliable, RM 320 men (8 Stands)
6th NY Green, Reliable, RM 320 men (8 Stands)

2nd Brigade
Brigadier (Poor)
Trained WS 8th, Reliable, RM 400 men (10 Stands)


General (Poor)

1st Brigade
Brigadier (Poor)
Trained VR 12, Spitited, RM 320 men (8 Stands)
VR 9th Green, Reliable, RM 320 men (8 Stands)

2nd Brigade
Brigadier (Poor)
32nd TX Green, Reliable, RM 320 men (8 Stands)
Half 3th Guns Battery LR 4 (2 Stands)

The game was very agile, and quickly made with the mechanics of regulation. Now it's practice some more, before starting the campaign.

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