Con vistas la próximo torneo de Rápidos y Furiosos, Viden y Strategus desplegaron sus listas de DBMM/DBMF 100AP que llevaran al torneo para estrenarlas y probar las tropas de cara al evento. Viden estrenaba por completo su lista de Umbar, mientras que a los Visigodos de Strategus, ya se les ha visto en anteriores partidas, pero siempre con menos puntos.
With the sight on the next Fast & Furious Tournament, Viden and Strategus deployed their lists for DBMM/F 100AP in order to learn how to best use them. Viden borught his brand new Umbar army while Strategus Visigoths are well known in this blog, but with smaller points.
With the sight on the next Fast & Furious Tournament, Viden and Strategus deployed their lists for DBMM/F 100AP in order to learn how to best use them. Viden borught his brand new Umbar army while Strategus Visigoths are well known in this blog, but with smaller points.
Una vez realizada la tirada de Agresividad, Umbar invadiría tierras godas. Stratedus dispuso la escenografía de sus territorios como quiso y Viden eligió el lado de la mesa por el que atacaría, así que los godos, deplegarían primero en el lado contrario.
Once the aggressivity check was done it was established that Umbar was going to invade Gothic lands. Stratugs set up the terrain as he wish while Viden chose the side of the table from where he was going to attack, with the Goths deploying in the opposite side.
Once the aggressivity check was done it was established that Umbar was going to invade Gothic lands. Stratugs set up the terrain as he wish while Viden chose the side of the table from where he was going to attack, with the Goths deploying in the opposite side.
Los despliegue fueron muy estándar, con las tropas ligeras en un flanco, la infantería en el centro y las caballerías en el flanco restante. Viden, decidió enfrentar su Caballería Ligera a la más pesada Caballería Goda, confiando en su mayor capacidad de movimiento y maniobra, mientras que en el flanco contrario, enfrentó a sus hostigadores a los visigodos, confiando en su superioridad numérica.
The deployments were pretty much standard with light troops at the flanks, infantry at the center and cavalry at the other flanks. Viden confronted his Light Cavalry agaist the heavier Goth Cavalry trusting their superior mobility while in the other flank he pitted his skirmishers against theones of the enemy confident of his superior numbers (Not much of a choice there).
The deployments were pretty much standard with light troops at the flanks, infantry at the center and cavalry at the other flanks. Viden confronted his Light Cavalry agaist the heavier Goth Cavalry trusting their superior mobility while in the other flank he pitted his skirmishers against theones of the enemy confident of his superior numbers (Not much of a choice there).
El choque llegó rápido, ya que los caballeros visigodos y el general, se lanzaron al combate en cuanto tuvieron la más mínima oportunidad, mientras que la infantería, los seguía lo más rápido posible.
The clash came quickly as the Gothic knights and their general rushed to combat while the infantry followed nearby as quickly as they could (Just as the Umbarites!).
The clash came quickly as the Gothic knights and their general rushed to combat while the infantry followed nearby as quickly as they could (Just as the Umbarites!).
Con unos combates muy favorables, la caballería goda, se impuso a la infantería y caballería de Umbar, mientras que en el centro, los guerreros de los clanes, gracias a unas tiradas de combates muy buenas, también consiguieron imponerse rápidamente a los Numerorianos de Umbar y poner en peligro su centro de batalla.
After several favorable combats (And dice rolls!) the Gothic cavalry overpowere the infantry an cavalry of Umbar while in the center the Clan warriors, thanks to superb dice rolls, crushed Umbar's Numenoreans.
After several favorable combats (And dice rolls!) the Gothic cavalry overpowere the infantry an cavalry of Umbar while in the center the Clan warriors, thanks to superb dice rolls, crushed Umbar's Numenoreans.
Al final, con uno de sus flancos roto y el centro en serio peligro, las tropas de Umbar rompen el contacto y regresan a sus barcos, abandonando la invasión de las tierras de los visigodos.
At the end, with one flank broken and the center in serious danger, Umbar's troops withdraw and ran back to their ships leaving Gothic lands.
At the end, with one flank broken and the center in serious danger, Umbar's troops withdraw and ran back to their ships leaving Gothic lands.
Una partida muy divertida y rápida, la verdad que los combates favorecieron a Strategus, que rápidamente consiguió causar más del 50% de bajas de moral al ejercito de Umbar, pero si las tiradas no hubieran ido de ese modo, la partida podría haber sido completamente distinta, ya que uno de los flancos de los godos esta empezando a ser superado por los hostigadores de Umbar.
It was a quick and funny game even if the dice God was clearly on Strategus side who managed to get the 50% moral kills needed to break his opponents. Had the dice rolls been different, the game could have been completely different since the other Gothic flank was being overwhelmed by Umbar's skirmishers.
It was a quick and funny game even if the dice God was clearly on Strategus side who managed to get the 50% moral kills needed to break his opponents. Had the dice rolls been different, the game could have been completely different since the other Gothic flank was being overwhelmed by Umbar's skirmishers.
+++Fotos de Viden y Strategus. Traducción por Viden. Una gran partida y dos listas muy interesantes, a parte de unas miniaturas muy chulas+++