Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Escenario. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Escenario. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 4 de mayo de 2021

[Escenario] Batalla de Leipzig - Shako II


Es año, concretamente el día 5 de mayo, se cumplen 200 años de la muerte de este ilustre personaje, controvertido, temido y amado a partes iguales, Napoleón Bonaparte. Y desde la VIIII Legión nos hemos propuesto hacer nuestro pequeño homenaje a nuestra manera y como mejor sabemos/podemos hacerlo, con una Megabatalla, como ya hicimos para el bicentenario de Warterloo o para el 75 aniversario de los desembarcos de Normandía. Para ello, al final nos hemos decidido por jugar la batalla de Leipzig o la batalla de las Naciones. Batalla que marca el ocaso de este brillante general, su destierro a y su breve regreso al poder durante los Cien Días

Para este escenario usaremos el reglamento de Shako II y hemos hecho un ajuste de escala, de manera que cada una de las Divisiones que controlaran los generales será el equivalente a un Cuerpo de Ejercito completo (para que la cosa no se nos vaya de madre y sea algo más representativo). A continuación os detallaremos los ORBATS por si queréis jugar vosotros la partida o para poder mirar cuando colguemos el informe de batalla de la partida (que por cierto, jugaremos el próximo sábado 8 de mayo) 


0. Napoleón [Morale: 14/7]

3 Heavy Foot Artillery

2 AIdC

French Order-of-Battle at Leipzig: 16-18 October 1813

The Northern Sector

I. Advancing to Mockau / III Corps* -> Souham, GdD Joseph, Comte [Morale 12/8/6/3]

Provisional Regiment: 2 battalions (MR3)

Line Regiment: 7 battalions

Light Regiment: 2 battalions

Hussar Regiment: 1 Regime Regiment

Foot Artillery Regiment: 1 batteries


II. Eutritsch / IV Corps** Bertrand, GdD Henri-Gatien, Comte [Morale: 7/5 /3/2]

Line Regiment: 3 battalions

Light Regiment: 2 battalions + 1 [Italian] SK

[Wurttemberg] Line Infantry: 1 battalions

[Italian]Line Regiment: 1 battalions

Foot Artillery Regiment: 1 batteries


III: Advancing to Klein-Weideritzsch / 27th Infantry Division [detached from VIII Corps] Dabrowski [dit Dombrowski], GdD Jan Henryk [Morale: 3/2/-/1]

 [Polish] Regiment: 2 battalions

[Polish] Horse Artillery Battery


French Order-of-Battle at Leipzig: 16-18 October 1813

The Southeastern Sector


I. Advancing to Holzhausen / XI Corps MacDonald, MdE Etienne-Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre, Duc de Tarente [Morale 12/8/6/3]

Provisional Regiment: 1 battalions (MR3)

[Westphalian] Line Regiment: 1 battalions

[Neapolitan] Light Regiment: 1 battalions

Line Regiment: 2 battalions

[Italian] 5th Line Regiment: 1 battalions

Light Regiment: 3 battalions

[Baden] Line Infantry Regiment: 1 battalions

[Hesse-Darmstadt] Garde Fusiliers: 1 battalion

[Neapolitan] 2nd Chasseur-a-Cheval Regiment: 1 Regiment

Artillery: 1 Foot Artillery   1 Horse Artillery


II.  Cavalry Corps Sebastiani de la Porta, GdD Francois-Horace-Bastien, Comte [Morale: 8/6/4/2]

Lancer Regiment: 2 Regiment

Chasseur Regiment: 3 Regiment

Hussar Regiment: 1 Regiment

Carabinier Regiment: 1 Regiment

Cuirassier Regiment: 1 Regiment

1 Horse Artillery Batteries


French Order-of-Battle at Leipzig: 16-18 October 1813

The Southern Sector


I: Wachau-Liebertwolkwitz  / 

II Corps Perrin [dit Victor], MdE Claude-Victor, Duc de Bellune [Morale: 7/5 /3/2]

Light Regiment: 1 battalions

19th Line Regiment: 6 battalions

1 Foot Artillery Regiment


V Corps Lauriston, GdD Jacques-Alexandre-Bernard-Law de, Comte [Morale: 8/6/4/2]

Provisional Regiment: 1 battalions (MR3)

Line Regiment: 6 battalions

Chasseur Regiment: 1 Regiment

2  Foot Artillery Batteries


II: Connewitz-Lossnig-Dolitz-Markleeberg /

VIII Corps, GdD Lefol's infantry division [Morale: 3/2/-/1]

Line Regiment: 2 battalion

Erfurt infantry: 1 battalions


[Polish]VIII Corps [less 27th Infantry Division] Poniatowski, GdD [MdE 1p.10.1813] Josef-Antoni, Prince* [Morale: 3/2/-/1]

[Polish] Regiment: 2 battalions

Krakus Cavalry Regiment: 1 Regiment

[Polish] Foot Artillery Battery:1 Bat


[Polish] IV Cavalry Corps  Kellermann, GdD Francois-Etienne, Comte de Valmy** [Morale: 3/2/-/1]

[Polish] Uhlan Regiment: 2 Regiment

[Polish] Chasseur Regiment: 1 Regiment

[Polish] Horse Artillery Battery: 2 Bat


III: Deployed behind Zuckelhausen

 IX Corps Auguereau, MdE Pierre-Francois-Charles, Duc de Castiglione [Morale 3/2/-/1]

Line Regiment: 1 battalion

Provisional Regiment: 2 battalions (MR3)


IV: Deployed behind V Corps   /

 Imperial Guard [less 1st Old Guard Division and Guard Cavalry]


I [Young Guard] Corps & 2nd [Old Guard] Division [Morale: 8/6/4/2]

 Fusilier-Chasseur Regiment: 2 battalions (MR6)

Voltigeur Regiment: 3 battalions (MR5)

1st Tirailleur Regiment: 2 battalions (MR5)

Flanquer-Chasseur Regiment: 1 battalions (MR5)

2 Foot Artillery Batteries

1 Horse Artillery Batteries


V: Probstheida / 1st Old Guard Division, Guard Cavalry and I Cavalry Corps Friant, GdD Louis, Comte [Morale: 8/6/4/2]

 Grenadier Regiment: 1 battalions

Chasseur Regiment: 1 battalions

Guard of Honour Regiment: 4 Regiment

Lancer Regiment: 2 Regiment

2 6pdr Horse Artillery Battery

1 Foot Artillery Battery


I Cavalry Corps Latour-Maubourg, GdD Marie-Victor-Nicolas de Fay [Morale: 8/6/4/2]

 Hussar Regiment: 1 Regiment

Chevauleger-Lancer Regiment: 1 Regiment

Chasseur Regiment: 2 Regiment

Cuirassier Regiment: 2 Regiment

Dragoon Regiment: 2 Regiment

2 Horse Artillery Batteries


Alejandro I de Rusia [Morale:  27 /13  ]

Heavy Battery: 2 Battery

Foot Battery: 1 Battery

4 AidC

Allied Order-of-Battle at Leipzig: 16-18 October 1813    The Allied Army of Bohemia

(Austrian Advanced Guard, II, III, Reserve, and Cuirassier Corps; Russian-Prussian Army Reserve; Barclay de Tolly's Allied Southern Wing)

 Austrian Advanced Guard [Morale: 5/3 /2/1]

Jaeger Battalion: 2 Batallones

Grenz infantry: 1 SK

Landwehr infantry: 1 battalion

Chevauleger Regiment: 1 Regiment

Hussar Regiment: 1 Regiment

Horse Battery: 1 Battery


Austrian II Corps Merveldt, GK Maximilian-Friedrich, [Reichsgraf] Freiherr von [Morale: 6/4 /3/2]

Grenz infantry: 2 SK

Dragoon Regiment: 1 Regiment

Infantry Regiment: 4 battalions

Landwehr infantry: 1 battalion

Foot Battery: 1 Battery


Austrian III Corps Gyulai von Maros-Nemeth und Nadaska, FZM Ignatz [Morale: 6/4 /3/2]

Grenz infantry: 1 SK

Chevauleger Regiment: 1 Regiment

Infantry Regiment: 5 battalions

1 Foot Battery: 32 guns


Austrian Reserve Corps Hessen-Homburg, GdK Friedrich-Josef, Erbprinz von [Morale: 6/4 /3/2]

Grenadier Battalion: 2 Batalloes

Infantry Regiment: 4 battalions

Foot Battery: 2 Baterias


Austrian Cuirassier Corps Nostitz-Reineck, FML Johann-Nepomuk, Graf von [Morale: 3/2 /-/1]

Cuirassier Regiment: 3 Regiment


Russian-Prussian Army Reserve Konstantin Pavlovich, Grand-Duke of Russia

(Russian III Corps, Cuirassier/Guard Cavalry Corps, Reserve Artillery; Russian-Prussian V Corps)


Russian III (Grenadier) Corps Raevski, GL Nikolai Nikolaievich [Morale: 5/3 /2/1]

Grenadier Regiments: 5 battalions

Heavy Foot Artillery: 1 Battery


Russian-Prussian V (Guard) Corps Yermolov, GL Alexei Petrovich [Morale: 6/4 /3/2]

Lifeguard Infantry Regiment: 3 battalions

Lifeguard Jaeger Regiment: 1 battalions

Lifeguard Grenadier Regiment: 2 battalions

Foot Batteries: 1 Battery


Russian Cuirassier/Guard Cavalry Corps Gollitzin V, GL Prince  [Morale: 9/6 /4/3]

Chevalier Guard and Garde du Corps Regiments: 1 Regiments

Lifeguard and Her Majesty's Cuirassier Regiments: 3 Lifeguard Cossack

Lifeguard Dragoon and Lifeguard Uhlan Regiments: 1 Regiments

Lifeguard Hussar and Lifeguard Cossack Regiment: 2 Regiments

1 Guard Horse Batteries: 1 Battery


Allied Order-of-Battle at Leipzig: 16-18 October 1813

The Allied Army of Bohemia: the Southern Wing

(Austrian I and IV Corps; Corps-Group Wittgenstein; Russian Cossack Corps)


Austrian I Corps Colloredo-Mannsfeld, FML Hieronymus, Graf von [Morale: 6/4 /3/2]

Grenz infantry: 1 SK

Hussar Regiment: 1 Regiment

Infantry Regiment: 5 battalions

1 Foot Battery: 40 guns


Austrian IV Corps Klenau, GdK Johann, Freiherr von Janowitz, Graf von [Morale: 7/4 /3/2]

Grenz Infantry: 3 SK

Hussar Regiment 1 Regiment

Infantry Regiment: 5 battalion

Cuirassier Regiment Kaiser Franz Nr. 1: 1 Regiment

Foot Battery: 1 Battery


Russian Cossack Corps  Platov, GL Matvei Ivanovich, Count [Morale: 3/2 /-/1]

Cossack Regiments: 3 Regiment


Corps-Group Wittgenstein

(Prussian II Corps; Russian I, II and Pahlen's Cavalry Corps)

Wittgenstein, GC Ludwig-Adolf-Peter [Petr Christianovich], Graf von


Russian I Corps Gorchakov, GL Andrei Ivanovich, Prince [Morale: 6/4 /3/2]

Jaeger Regiments: 2 battalions

Infantry Regiments: 4 battalions

Foot Batteries: 1 Battery


Russian II Corps Wurttemburg, GL Eugene Prinz von [Morale: 6/4 /3/2]

Jaeger Regiments: 2 battalions

Infantry Regiments: 4 battalions

Heavy Foot Batteries: 1 Battery

Horse Batteries: 1 Battery


Prussian II Corps Kleist, GL Friedrich-Heinrich von [Morale: 9/6 /4/2]

Infantry Regiment: 3 battalions

Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr. 6: 3 battalions           (MR3)

Silesian Landwehr Infantry Regiment: 2 battalions (MR3)

Prussian Cuirassier Regiment 1 Reg

Schutzen: 2 SK

Foot Battery: 2

Horse Batteries: 1


Russian Cavalry Corps Pahlen, GL Petr Petrovich, Count von der [Morale: 3/2 /-/1]

Hussar Regiment: 2 Regiment

Cossack Regiments: 1 Regiment


Allied Order-of-Battle at Leipzig: 16-18 October 1813

The Allied Army of Silesia

(Prussian I Corps; Russian XI Corps and IV Cavalry Corps; Corps-Group Langeron)


Prussian I Corps Yorck, GL Hans-David-Ludwig von [Morale: 12/8 /6/3]

Jaegers: 1 SK

Prussian Grenadier Battalions: 1 battalions

Infantry Regiment: 3 battalions

Reserve Infantry Regiment: 1 battalion (MR3)

Landwehr Infantry: 4 battalions (MR3)

Hussar Regiment: 1 Reg

Silesian Landwehr Cavalry Regiment Nr. 5: 1  Reg

West Prussian Dragoon Regiment Nr. 1: 1 Reg

Foot Battery: 2 Battery

Horse Battery: 1 Battery


Russian XI Corps Osten-Sacken I, GL Fabian Wilhelmovich, Baron von der [Morale: 5/3 /2/1]

Jaeger Regiments: 2 battalions

Infantry Regiment: 3 battalions

Heavy Foot Batteries: 1 Battery


Russian IV Cavalry Corps Vasilchikov I, GL Illarion Vasilievich  [Morale: 3/2 /-/1]

Hussar Regiments: 2 Regiment

Dragoon Regiments: 1 Regiment


Corps-Group Langeron

(Russian VIII, IX, X Corps and I Cavalry Corps)


Russian VIII Corps Saint-Priest, GL Emmanuel, Comte de [Morale: 5/3 /2/1]

Jaeger Regiments: 2 battalions

Ekaterinburg and Rilsk Infantry Regiments: 3 battalions

Foot Batteries: 1 Battery


Russian IX Corps Olsufiev, GL Zahkar Dmitrievich [Morale: 3/2 /-/1]

Jaeger Regiments: 1 battalions

Infantry Regiment: 2 battalions


Russian X Corps Kapzevich, GL Ivan Mikhailovich [Morale: 3/2 /-/1]

Jaeger Regiments: 1 battalions

Old Ingermanland Infantry Regiment: 2 battalions

Foot Batteries: 1 Battery


Russian I Cavalry Corps  Korff I, GL Ossip Ivanovich, Baron von [Morale: 3/2 /-/1]

Kargopol and Kiev Dragoon Regiments: 1 Regiment

Jaeger Regiments: 1 Regiment

Cossack Regiments: 1 Regiment


Allied Order-of-Battle at Leipzig: 16-18 October 1813

The Allied Army of the North*

(Prussian III Corps; Corps-Group Wintzingerode; Royal Swedish Army)

Prussian III Corps** Bulow, GL Friedrich-Wilhelm von [Morale: 9/6 /4/2]

Infantry Regiment: 2 battalion

Reserve Infantry Regiment: 2 battalions (MR3)

Landwehr Regiment: 3 battalions (MR3)

Landwehr Cavalry Regiment: 1 Regiment

Dragoon Regiment Konig: 1 Regiment

Foot Battery: 1 Battery

Horse Battery: 1 Battery


Corps Wintzingerode Wintzingerode, GK Ferdinand Ferdinandovich [Morale: 9/6 /4/2]

Jaeger Regiments: 2 battalions

Infantry Regiments: 4 battalions

Grenadiers: 1 battalions

Dragoon Regiment: 1 Regiment

Polish Uhlan Regiment: 1 Regiment

Heavy  Foot Battery: 1 Battery

Horse Battery: 1 Battery


Russian Cavalry Corps  O'Rourke, GL Joseph Kornilovich [Morale: 3/2 /-/1]

Hussar Regiment: 1 Regiment

Cossack Regiment: 2 Regiment


Royal Swedish Army  Stedingk, FM Curt von [Morale: 4/3 /2/1]

Infantry Regiment: 2 Battalions

Grenadier Regiment: 1 Battalions

Feltjaeger Regiment: 1 SK

Hussar Regiment: 1 Regiment

Foot Battery: 1 Battery


Allied Order-of-Battle at Leipzig: 16-18 October 1813

The Russian Army of Poland


Corps Dohkturov Dohkturov, GI Dmitri Sergeievich [Morale: 12/8 /6/3]

Jaeger Regiments: 2 battalions

Cossack Regiments [dismounted]: 3 SK

Infantry Regiments: 7 battalions

Uhlan Regiment: 2 Regiment

Cossack Regiments: 1 Regiment

Heavy Foot Battery: 1 Battery

Foot Battery: 1 Battery

martes, 2 de junio de 2020

[Campaña] El Lobo y la Bestia

Sergi y Vinç han decidido jugar una pequeña campaña de tres escenarios que enfrenten a Ragnar Blackmane contra Ghazghkull Thraka, usando las miniaturas de estos dos carismáticos personajes, desde las de 2ª Edición a las nuevas de 8ª (bueno, casi 9ª Ed). Su idea es jugar tres partidas con un trasfondo narrativo que refleje los varios enfrentamientos que han tenido estos dos titanes hasta su épico duelo y última transformación que vimos en la caja de la Profecía del Lobo, donde Ragnar cruza el Rubicón Primaris y Ghazghkull es reinjertado en una especie de super golem pielverde.

Sergi and Vinç decided to play a small campaign of three scenarios between Ragnar Blackmane and Ghazghkull Thraka using the models of this two charismatic characters, from their 2nd edition avatars to the 8th-almost-9th edition miniatures. They are going to play three narrative games reflecting the titanical struggle between this two colossi until their epic duel seen in the Prophecy of the Wolf boxset, where Ragnar crosses the Primaris Rubicon and Ghazghkull appears as a Greenskin Golem.

Para la primera partida y como punto de arranque de la campaña, recrearán la partida que aparece en el codex de Lobos Espaciales de 2ª Ed, los Colmillos del Lobo, pero con los codex y las reglas de 8ª Edición. 

La misión que jugarán será: La Reliquia. Que es la más parecida a la antigua misión de Ocupar y Mantener que se jugó en la partida original. Las listas son adaptaciones de las listas con los nuevos codex, que os pondremos a continuación y en la medida de lo posible, para esta primera partida, se usarán miniaturas de Segunda Ed.

For the first game and as starting point of the campaign, the are going to reenact the Battle Report from the 2nd edition Space Wolves' Codex, the Fangs of the Wolf, but with the rules of 8th edition.

The mission they are playing is The Relic, the most similar to the old Secure & Hold played in the original report. The army lists are adapted with the new codex and we are posting them right after this lines. For this game we are going to use as much 2nd models as possible.

A continuación, os dejamos las listas para la partida, en primer lugar, la lista de Orkos (hemos mirado de adaptar las listas antiguas a los nuevos codex, en la medida de lo posible).

Here are the army lists:

 Fangs of the Wolf (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition)

Orkos de Ghazghkull
Battalion Detachment +5CP (Orks) 
Rules: Dis Is Ours! Zog Off!
Clan Kultur / Specialist Mobs Selections: Goffs / Goffs
Each time you roll an unmodified hit roll of 6 for an attack with a melee
weapon made by a model with this kultur, immediately make an additional hit
roll against the same target using the same weapon. These additional hit rolls
cannot themselves generate any further hit rolls.

Ghazghkull [Warboss]
Selections: Attack Squig, Big Choppa, Da Biggest Boss [-1CP], Da Lucky Stikk, Kustom
Shoota , 2x Slugga, Stikkbombs, Warlord
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka, Mob Rule
Abilities: Breakin' Heads, Da Biggest Boss, Goffs - Da Lucky Stikk, Waaagh!, Unit: Warboss,
Weapon: Attack Squig, Big Choppa, Kustom Shoota, Slugga, Stikkbomb

Selections: Makari's Stabba
Abilities: Accidental Figurehead, Ghazghkull’s Waaagh! Banner, Keep Up!, Suspiciously
Lucky, Unit: Makari, Weapon: Makari's Stabba

Selections: Weirdboy Staff
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka, Mob Rule
Abilities: Waaagh! Energy, Psychic Power: Smite, Psyker: Psyker, Unit: Weirdboy, Weapon:
Weirdboy Staff

Goffs Boyz 
Selections: Skarboyz [-1CP]
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka, Mob Rule
Abilities: Green Tide, Skarboyz (1 CP)
Boss Nob 
Selections: Big Choppa [5pts], Slugga, Stikkbombs
Unit: Boss Nob, Weapon: Big Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbomb
19x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa
Selections: 19x Choppa, 19x Slugga, 19x Stikkbombs
Unit: Ork Boy, Weapon: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbomb

Rules: Dakka Dakka Dakka, Grots
10x Gretchin
Selections: 10x Grot Blaster
Unit: Gretchin, Weapon: Grot Blaster

Rules: Dakka Dakka Dakka, Grots
10x Gretchin [30pts]
Selections: 10x Grot Blaster
Unit: Gretchin, Weapon: Grot Blaster

Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka, Mob Rule
Abilities: Keepin' Order
Boss Nob
Selections: Big Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Unit: Boss Nob, Weapon: Big Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbomb
Selections: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Unit: Nob, Weapon: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbomb
Selections: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Unit: Nob, Weapon: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbomb
Selections: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Unit: Nob, Weapon: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbomb
Selections: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Unit: Nob, Weapon: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbomb
Selections: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Unit: Nob, Weapon: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbomb

Selections: 'Urty Syringe, Grot Orderly (Index), Power Klaw 
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka, Mob Rule
Abilities: Dok's Tools, Grot Orderly, Sawbonez, Unit: Grot Orderly, Painboy, Weapon: 'Urty
Syringe, Power Klaw

Selections: 'ard Case, Deff Roll
Rules: Dakka Dakka Dakka
Abilities: 'ard Case, Explodes, Mobile Fortress, Transport: Battlewagon, Transport Wound
Track: Wagon1, Wagon2, Wagon3, Unit: Battlewagon ('ard Case), Weapon: Deff Rolla

Patrol Detachment (Orks)
Rules: Dis Is Ours! Zog Off!
Clan Kultur / Specialist Mobs Selections: Bad Moons /Bad Moons
Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by models with this kultur in the Shooting phase.

No Force Org Slot 
Selections: Grabba Stikk, Slugga, Squig Hound
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka, Mob Rule
Abilities: Runtherd (Restriction), Squig Hound, Unit: Runtherd, Weapon: Grabba Stikk, Slugga

Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun
Selections: Shokk Attack Gun, Stikkbombs
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka, Mob Rule
Abilities: Big Mekaniak, Unit: Big Mek, Weapon: Shokk Attack Gun, Stikkbomb

Bad Moon Boyz
Selections: Tankbusta Bombs
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka, Mob Rule
Abilities: Green Tide, Weapon: Tankbusta Bomb
Boss Nob
Selections: Power Klaw [13pts], Shoota (Index), Stikkbombs
Unit: Boss Nob, Weapon: Power Klaw, Shoota, Stikkbomb
Ork Boy W/ 'Eavy Weapon
Selections: Big Shoota [5pts], Stikkbombs
Unit: Ork Boy, Weapon: Big Shoota, Stikkbomb
8x Ork Boy W/ Shoota
Selections: 8x Shoota, 8x Stikkbombs
Unit: Ork Boy, Weapon: Shoota, Stikkbomb

Rules: Dakka Dakka Dakka, Grots
10x Gretchin
Selections: 10x Grot Blaster
Unit: Gretchin, Weapon: Grot Blaster

Deff Dread Mob
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka
Abilities: Dread Mob, Explodes
Deff Dread 
Selections: Big Shoota , Dread Klaw, Dread Klaw, Skorcha
Categories: ARTILLERY
Unit: Deff Dread, Weapon: Big Shoota, Dread Klaw, Skorcha

Outrider Detachment +1CP (Orks)
Rules: Dis Is Ours! Zog Off!
Clan Kultur / Specialist Mobs Selections: Evil Sunz / Evil Sunz
Add 1 to the Move characteristic of models with this kultur (adding 2 instead if that model is a SPEED FREEK), and add 1 to Advance and charge rolls made for them. In addition, models with this kultur do not suffer the penalty to their hit rolls for Advancing and firing Assault weapons.

Big Mek [Legends] 
Selections: Choppa, Kustom Force Field, Stikkbombs
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Mob Rule
Abilities: Big Mekaniak, Kustom Force Field, Unit: Big Mek, Weapon: Choppa, Stikkbomb

Evil Sunz Boyz
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka, Mob Rule
Abilities: Green Tide
Boss Nob
Selections: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Unit: Boss Nob, Weapon: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbomb
9x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa
Selections: 9x Choppa, 9x Slugga, 9x Stikkbombs
Unit: Ork Boy, Weapon: Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbomb

Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka, Mob Rule
Boss Nob
Selections: Choppa, 2x Dakkagun, Slugga, Stikkbombs
Unit: Boss Nob, Weapon: Choppa, Dakkagun, Slugga, Stikkbomb
2x Warbiker
Selections: 2x Choppa, 4x Dakkagun, 2x Slugga, 2x Stikkbombs
Unit: Warbiker, Weapon: Choppa, Dakkagun, Slugga, Stikkbomb

Warbuggies [Legends]
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Dakka Dakka Dakka, Mob Rule
Abilities: Outriders
Selections: Twin Big Shoota
Unit: Warbuggy, Weapon: Twin Big Shoota

Wartrakk [Legends]
Rules: 'Ere We Go!, Mob Rule
Abilities: Outriders
Selections: Twin Big Shoota
Unit: Wartrakk, Weapon: Twin Big Shoota

 Lobos de Ragnar (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) 
Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Wolves)
Rules: Bolter Discipline, Shock Assault 

Ragnar Blackmane 
Selections: Warlord 
Categories: Character, HQ, Infantry, Faction: Space Wolves, Wolf Lord, Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Ragnar Blackmane, Faction: Imperium 
Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Hunters Unleashed 
Abilities: Belt of Russ, Insane Bravado, Jarl of Fenris, Loyal Companions, Saga of the Warrior Born, War Howl, Unit: Ragnar Blackmane, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenade, Frostfang, Krak grenade

Njal Stormcaller
Selections: 3. Murderous Hurricane, 4. Fury of the Wolf Spirits 
Categories: Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Faction: Imperium, Faction: Space Wolves, Character, Infantry, Rune Priest, Psyker, Njal Stormcaller, HQ 
Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Hunters Unleashed 
Abilities: Lord of Tempests, Psychic hood, Runic Armour, Psychic Power: Fury of the Wolf Spirits, Murderous Hurricane, Psyker: Psyker, Unit: Njal Stormcaller, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenade, Freki and Geri, Krak grenade, Nightwing, Staff of the Stormcaller

Ulrik The Slayer 
Categories: Faction: Imperium, Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Faction: Space Wolves, Character, Infantry, Wolf Priest, Ulrik The Slayer, HQ 
Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Hunters Unleashed 
Abilities: Healing Balms, Slayer's Oath, Wolf Amulet, Wolf Helm of Russ, Unit: Ulrik The Slayer, Weapon: Crozius arcanum, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Plasma pistol, Standard, Plasma pistol, Supercharge

Blood Claws
Categories: Troops, Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Faction: Imperium, Faction: Space Wolves, Infantry, Blood Claws 
Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Defenders of Humanity, Hunters Unleashed 
Abilities: Beserk Charge, Headstrong, Mixed Unit
Blood Claw Pack Leader
Selections: Power fist [9pts] 
Unit: Blood Claw Pack Leader, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Power fist
4x Blood Claw
Unit: Blood Claw, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Frag grenade, Krak grenade

Blood Claws
Categories: Troops, Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Faction: Imperium, Faction: Space Wolves, Infantry, Blood Claws 
Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Defenders of Humanity, Hunters Unleashed 
Abilities: Beserk Charge, Headstrong, Mixed Unit
Blood Claw Pack Leader
Selections: Power sword 
Unit: Blood Claw Pack Leader, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Power sword
4x Blood Claw
Unit: Blood Claw, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Frag grenade, Krak grenade

Grey Hunters
Categories: Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Faction: Imperium, Faction: Space Wolves, Infantry, Grey Hunters, Troops 
Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Defenders of Humanity, Hunters Unleashed
Grey Hunter Pack Leader
Selections: Power fist
Unit: Grey Hunter Pack Leader, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Power fist
4x Grey Hunter w/Bolt Pistol
Unit: Grey Hunter, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Frag grenade, Krak grenade

Grey Hunters
Categories: Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Faction: Imperium, Faction: Space Wolves, Infantry, Grey Hunters, Troops 
Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Defenders of Humanity, Hunters Unleashed
Grey Hunter Pack Leader
Selections: Power sword 
Unit: Grey Hunter Pack Leader, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Power sword
3x Grey Hunter w/Bolt Pistol
Unit: Grey Hunter, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Frag grenade, Krak grenade
Grey Hunter with Special Weapon [23pts] 
Selections: Bolt pistol, Plasma gun [11pts] 
Unit: Grey Hunter, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Plasma gun, Standard, Plasma gun, Supercharge

Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour
Categories: Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Faction: Imperium, Faction: Space Wolves, Infantry, Terminator, Wolf Guard, Elites 
Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Hunters Unleashed 
Abilities: Crux Terminatus, Teleport Strike
Wolf Guard Pack Leader in Terminator Armour
Selections: Power sword [4pts], Storm bolter 
Unit: Wolf Guard Pack Leader in Terminator Armour, Weapon: Power sword, Storm bolter
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour with Heavy Weapon
Selections: Heavy flamer, Power fist 
Unit: Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour, Weapon: Heavy flamer, Power fist
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour with Heavy Weapon
Selections: Assault cannon, Power fist
Unit: Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour, Weapon: Assault cannon, Power fist
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour
Selections: Power fist, Storm bolter 
Unit: Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour, Weapon: Power fist, Storm bolter
Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour
Selections: Power fist, Storm bolter 
Unit: Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour, Weapon: Power fist, Storm bolter

Long Fangs
Categories: Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Faction: Imperium, Faction: Space Wolves, Infantry, Long Fangs, Heavy Support 
Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Hunters Unleashed 
Abilities: Fire Discipline
Long Fang Pack Leader 
Selections: Plasma gun, Power axe
Unit: Long Fang Pack Leader, Weapon: Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Plasma gun, Standard, Plasma gun, Supercharge, Power axe
Long Fang
Selections: Heavy bolter
Unit: Long Fang, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenade, Heavy bolter, Krak grenade
Long Fang
Selections: Lascannon
Unit: Long Fang, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Lascannon
Long Fang
Selections: Missile launcher
Unit: Long Fang, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Missile launcher, Frag missile, Missile launcher, Krak missile
Long Fang
Selections: Missile launcher
Unit: Long Fang, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Frag grenade, Krak grenade, Missile launcher, Frag missile, Missile launcher, Krak missile

+++++ En unos días se jugará la partida en el Castro y os colgaremos el primer informe de esta minicampaña +++++
+++++ Traducción por Viden +++++

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

[Escenario] Montecassino, Primeros combates

Cuando se habla de Cassino todo el mundo recuerda la defensa llevada a cabo por los paracaidistas alemanes, pero sólo algunos saben que la primera fase de la defensa del área fue llevada a cabo por granaderos panzer junto con el teniente Antonio Gozzer y con notable éxito.

Clark, en cuanto se produjo el desastre de la 36ª División el 24 de enero, ordenó que el rápido fuera cruzado de nuevo, esta vez por la 34ª División, permitiendo reorganizarse a la 36ª.

Se eligió una zona del río donde la poca profundidad facilitaría el cruce de los infantes y el material, al norte del pueblo de Cassino. La idea era que tras cruzar el rápido la fuerza se dividiera en dos grupos, uno que atacaría Cassino y otro que intentaría alcanzar las colinas que dan paso al valle del Liri. Para apoyar a los atacantes los norteamericanos decidieron emplear carros de combate con la 34ª División.

When the name Cassino comes up everyone remember the defense of the German paratroopers, but only few know that the first stage of said defense was carried on by Panzergrenadieren and lieutenant Antonio Gozzer with notable success.

Once the disaster of the 36th Division on 24th January happened, Clark ordered the river to be crossed again, this time by the 34th Division thus allowing the 36th to reorganize.

The river area chosen was a shallow one north of Cassino to facilitate the crossing of infantrymen and material. The plan was that after a rapid crossing the force would split up in two groups: one attacking the town of cassino itself and the other the hills near Liri's valley. In order to support the advancing North Americans armoured elements were introduced.

Antonio Gozzer, conocedor de que el enemigo intentaría cruzar el río, voló una presa provocando el desbordamiento del río y convirtiendo ambas orillas en un lodazal. Cuando los carros junto con la infantería avanzaron hacia el río, veinte carros quedaron atrapados completamente en el barro y tuvieron que ser abandonados. A pesar de que esta vez se consiguió dominar parte de la orilla alemana, los granaderos panzer habían minado las laderas de las montañas que seguían al río, y construido varios puestos fortificados que se cobraron un fuerte peaje en vidas enemigas. Gracias al apoyo de los carros, los hombres de la 34ª División consiguieron alcanzar los arrabales de Cassino, pero allí fueron finalmente detenidos de nuevo por fuego concentrado de cañones anticarro y de ametralladoras. Esta situación duró casi una semana.

A principios de febrero un batallón estadounidense alcanzó la colina 445, a sólo 360 metros de la abadía de Monte Cassino, pero nuevamente los granaderos panzer contraatacaron y les obligaron a abandonar la cima y replegarse.

Los estadounidenses estaban exhaustos y habían perdido su empuje. Las pérdidas se acumulaban. Se decidió entonces que tropas coloniales francesas del Cuerpo Expedicionario Francés (excelentes soldados de montaña) que se encontraban a tres kilómetros al norte de la 34ª División intentaran unirse a ésta para presionar sobre los alemanes. Los franceses conquistaron monte Belvedere, pero cuando les quedaba poco trecho para enlazar con los norteamericanos los granaderos panzer consiguieron detener su avance definitivamente.

Las tropas alemanas estaban agotadas, y hay informes de que escaseaban los víveres y las municiones. En enero y febrero hizo mucho frío y llovió abundantemente y los soldados de ambos bandos estaban agotados."

Antonio Gozzer, knowing the enemy was going to cross the river, blew up a dam to overflow it ,turning both riversides into a morass. When the tanks advanced alongside the infantry, twenty of them became stuck in the mud and had to be abandoned. Even if part of the German shore of the river fell under Allied control the panzergrenadieren had mined and fortified the hillsides near the river, taking a heavy toll in enemy lives. With the help of the armoured vehicles the 34th Division reached the outskirts of Cassino only to be definitely stopped there by massed antitank and machinegun fire. This situation prolonged a week.

In early February an American battalion reached Hill 445, only 360 meters from Mount Cassino, but again the panzergrenadieren counterattacked and forced them off the hil.

The North Americans were exhausted and had lost their impetus. Losses mounted. It was decided then that French Colonial troops from the French Expeditionary Force (great mountaineers) who were located three kilometers north of the 34th joined the assault against the Germans. The French conquered Belvedere but when they were close to link with the Americans the panzergrenadieren managed to stop them.

The German troops were spent and reports claimed scarcity of both ammunition and supplies. During the first two months of the year cold and rain where commonplace, leaving both sides exhausted.



Se jugará el escenario Nº 2 ASALTO del reglamento. Los defensores despliega en el primer tercio de la mesa (Cassino, colina...) y pueden adquirir defensas permanentes o improvisadas. Los atacantes cuentan con un 50% adicional de puntos. Despliegan con la regla de Despliegue Móvil y pueden realizar un despliegue de flanco con uno de sus mandos. Además pueden adquirir bombardeos planificados tanto para la artillería como para la aviación (La única limitación a la lista, a parte de las de fecha y teatro, es que la artillería naval NO la pueden adquirir para este escenario)

Los objetivos de los atacantes son cuatro: el hotel, la estación de tren, la colina y la ruptura de la línea de defensa de Cassino que abre la ruta a Roma.

We are using the scenario nº2 ASSAULT from the rulebook. The defenders deploy in the first third of the table (Where Cassino and the hill are) and can buy both fixed or improvised defenses. The attackers enjoy 50% additional points to spend. They deploy with the Mobile Deployment rule and can use one flanking deployment with one command. In addition, they can purchase preplanned bombardments of both artillery and aircraft (the only limitation of the lists, aside the date and theater of the battle, is that NO Naval artillery is allowed).

The attackers objectives are four: the hotel, the railway station, the hill and the breaking point of Cassino's defensive line which opens the route towards Rome.


Defensores - Alemanes - Lista de BCK IV - Italia. 4000 Puntos. Se pueden incluir defensas fijas y improvisadas.

Atacantes - Aliados - Lista de BCK IV - Británicos/Americanos en Sicilia e Italia. 6000 Puntos. No se puede escoger la artillería naval para este escenario.

Defenders, Germans (Italy's list): 4000 points with option to fixed and improvised defenses.

Attackers, Allies (British and American lists for Sicily and Italy): 6000 points with no Naval artillery.

++++Este es el escenario que jugaremos en nuestra partida de Fin de Año, el primer o segundo sábado de Diciembre, continuaremos informando!!+++++

++++We are playing this scenario for the End Year's game. Stay tuned!+++++

+++++Traducción de Viden+++++

martes, 2 de julio de 2019

[Escenario] Sorpresa Nipona en Sámar!

"La Fuerza Central de Kurita, atravesó el estrecho de San Bernardino a las 3:00 del 25 de octubre, dirigiéndose con rumbo sur hacia la costa de la isla de Sámar. En su camino se interponían tres grupos de portaaviones de apoyo (llamados Taffy 1, 2, y3), compuestos por 16 portaaviones de escolta, y su pequeña escolta compuesta por destructores y destructores de escolta. A pesar de las pérdidas sufridas durante el paso de Palawan y el combate del mar de Sibuyán, la Fuerza Central era aún una fuerza imponente, contando con cuatro acorazados (entre ellos, el acorazado gigante Yamato), seis cruceros pesados, dos cruceros ligeros y una docena de destructores. Con la excepción de la Task Force 37, la flota de Kurita era posiblemente la armada más poderosa del mundo, comparable en potencia de fuego con el Grupo de Fuego de Apoyo liderado por Oldendorff.

El destructor USS Johnston era el que se encontraba más cerca de su enemigo. Con decisión desesperada, el teniente comandante Ernest E. Evans dirigió su nave (completamente inferior en categoría) hacia el enemigo, tratando de flanquearle. En su avance, Sprague ordenó un "small boys attack", que significaba un ataque de todas las unidades de escolta del USS Johnston. Los otros dos destructores que protegían a la Taffy 3 (el USS Hoel y el USS Heermann) y el destructor de escolta USS Samuel B. Roberts se lanzaron a un ataque suicida, devolviendo el fuego de los acorazados japoneses y tratando de dispersar su formación con el lanzamiento de torpedos. "

Este escenario está basado en una de las batallas de la campaña del Pacífico de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la Batalla de Leyte, y más concreta-mente en la Batalla de Sámar, donde la fuerza japonesa del Almirante Kuryta, sorprende a los americanos cerca de la isla de Sámar. 

Para el escenario, usaremos las reglas de Leviatanes de Acero, en un pequeño What IF? de la batalla original. Donde los porta-aviones de la Taffy-3 se ha retirado hacia el sur, quedando solo el USS Gambier Bay para realizar misiones de apoyo a las unidades de Destructores, que están siendo atacadas por la vanguardia de Kurita, mientras llegan un par de Cruceros Ligeros de apoyo. ¿Conseguirán los nipones romper la línea de Destructores? ¿Sobrevivirá el USS Gambier Bay? ¿Llegará a tiempo los Cruceros Ligeros?


USS Taffy-3

Patrulla de Destructores
USS Johnston DD-Fletcher Class
USS Hoel DD-Fletcher Class
USS Heermann DD-Fletcher Class

Task Force de Apoyo
USS Gambier Bay CVE-Casablanca Class
USS Russell DE-Sims Class

USS Phoenix CL-Brooklyn-Class 
USS Nashville CL-Brooklyn-Class 
USS Walke  DE-Sims Class


Pantalla AA
INJ Fumizuki  DD-Mutsuki Class
INJ Kikuzuki  DD-Mutsuki Class
INJ Kisaragi  DD-Mutsuki Class

INJ Natori CL-Nagara Class
INJ Abukuma CL-Nagara Class

INJ Taihō CVE-Taihō Class
I-400 SM -I-400 Class
I-401 SM -I.400 Class

Mesa y Despliegue

Esta partida se jugará en una mesa de 180x120 centímetros. El jugador que lleve la Taffy-3 desplegará 2 marcadores de flotilla a menos de 60cm de uno de los lados cortos de la mesa (120cm), a no más de 20cm uno de otro y apuntará naen secreto cual de los dos es la patrulla de Destructores. La Task Force de apoyo se desplegará también como marcadores a menos de 30cm del lado corto de la mesa elegido por el jugador de la Taffy-3.

Las unidades japonesas entrará en la mesa por el otro lado corto como MOAS, según el reglamento.

En el momento en que alguno de los buques japoneses sea desplegado encima de la mesa. El jugador que controle la Taffy-3 puede pedir apoyo. El jugador hará una tirada de 1D3, estó marcará en cuantos turnos, a partir del siguiente, se desplegara las unidades de apoyo de la Taffy-3. Estas entraran desde el lado corto de la mesa que controle el jugador americano.

Duración de la partida

La partida termina cuando el último buque japones abandone el campo de batalla, cuando todos los barcos de un bando hayan sido destruidos o cuando alguno de los jugadores conceda la partida. 

Condiciones de Victoria

Las topas de la Taffy-3 han de intentar retrasar a los buques de Kurita el máximo tiempo posible, para que los porta-aviones se puedan retirar con seguridad y lleguen los refuerzos. 

Las tropas japonesas de Kurita han de eliminar a los defensores, para dejar el paso libre a la fuerza principal de buques pesados.

1 Punto de Victoria por destruir al CVE Taihō 
1 Punto de Victoria si el USS Gambier Bay sobrevive al final de la partida
1 Punto de Victoria por cada DD o DE japones que no abandone la mesa por el lado americano
2 Puntos de Victoria por cada CL japones que no abandone la mesa por el lado americano

1 Punto de Victoria por destruir al USS Gambier Bay
1 Punto de Victoria si el CVE Taihō sobrevive al final de la partida
1 Punto de Victoria por cada DD o DE japones que abandone la mesa por el lado americano
2 Puntos de Victoria por cada CL japones que abandone la mesa por el lado americano

+++++ Miniaturas de General Gumpy y Sergi+++++