martes, 21 de julio de 2015

Empezando con Guerra Civil Americana // Starting with American Civil War

Pues si, otro de mis proyectos que empieza su camino. Jugar partida de la Guerra Civil Americana a 28 (con nuestro reglamento, Pocket Wars) y a 15 milímetros (también con Pocket Wars y con algun reglamento de batallas más grandes, como Fire & Fury).

Por el momento he hecho una pequeña compra inicial de tropas de la Unión, con las que empezaré a pintar un pequeño mando y un regimiento o brigada de Irlandeses, además de algunas minis sueltas para Pocket Wars, claro está.

 Yep, another one of my projects start your way. Playing battles of the American Civil War to 28 mm (with our rules, Pocket Wars) and 15 mm (also with Pocket Wars and some rulebook biggest battles, such as Fire & Fury).

By the time I made a small initial purchase of Union troops, with which I begin to paint a small knob and Irish regiment or brigade, plus some loose minis for Pocket Wars, of course.

2 comentarios:

  1. Looking forward to seeing how this project goes for you as I'm close to starting a 28mm confederate army.

    1. Thanks Mark,

      we are starting with an army of the Union of 15mm. In a few days I want to hang the first pictures of painted miniatures that I have.

      An army to 28mm has to be spectacular, I want to see the images !!

