Continuamos con más partidas de la Liga de Warhammer 40.000 8ª Edición. Esta vez, con una partida entre los Lobos de Strategus y la Guardia de la Muerte de Aleix. La misión de esta ronda era la de Capturar la Reliquia. Se sitúa un único objetivo en el centro del campo de batalla y la victoria es para el ejercito que consiga controlarlo al final de la misma.
New battles of the Warhammer 40.000 League rage in our local. This time a game between Strategus Space Wolves and Aleix's Death Guard. The mission this time was Capture the Relic. One single objective is placed in the middle of the battlefield and victory goes for the army that manages to control it at the end of the battle.
New battles of the Warhammer 40.000 League rage in our local. This time a game between Strategus Space Wolves and Aleix's Death Guard. The mission this time was Capture the Relic. One single objective is placed in the middle of the battlefield and victory goes for the army that manages to control it at the end of the battle.
Los dos jugadores desplegaron sus fuerzas de forma muy parecida, con el grueso de sus ejércitos en el centro, lo más cerca posible del objetivo y una pequeña fuerza en uno de los flancos. La batalla no tendría muchas sutilezas tácticas, desde un principio de veía venir un choque de trenes en la zona del objetivo.
Both players deployed their forces in a very similar way with the bulk of their armies in the middle as close as possible to the objective and a small force in one of the flanks. The battle would lack of tactical shenanigans. Since the beggining it was clear that a clash of trains around the objective was going to unfold.
Both players deployed their forces in a very similar way with the bulk of their armies in the middle as close as possible to the objective and a small force in one of the flanks. The battle would lack of tactical shenanigans. Since the beggining it was clear that a clash of trains around the objective was going to unfold.
Y efectivamente. Con un movimiento al centro, al final del turno 1, al menos el 50% de las unidades de los dos ejércitos, ¡ya estaban trabadas en combate! A partir de este punto, el resto de la partida se resolvió enviando cada vez más refuerzos al Molino de Ares que era el centro del campo de batalla.
And that was what happened. With a movement towards the center, at the end of first turn at least 50% of both armies were engaged in close combat! From this point forwards, the remaining battle was decided by sending reinforcements to that Ares Windmill the center of the battlefield had become.
And that was what happened. With a movement towards the center, at the end of first turn at least 50% of both armies were engaged in close combat! From this point forwards, the remaining battle was decided by sending reinforcements to that Ares Windmill the center of the battlefield had become.
Una batalla ultra sangrienta, en la que al final, todas las unidades de los dos ejércitos (menos un par de vehículos de los lobos que fueron destruidos a disparos) terminaron en combate cuerpo a cuerpo. Hay que destacar, como Miniatura de la jornada, al un Sargento con Puño de Combate de la Guardia de la muerte, que tras perder a toda su escuadra a manos de los Lobos, se vengó a base de bien. El solo, eliminó a una escuadra de 8 Cazadores Grises y un Landspeeder, ¡en combate cuerpo a cuerpo!
An ultra-bloody battle that, in the end, saw every unit engaged in close quarters (except a couple of Space Wolves vehicles destroyed by Chaos firepower). Special mention to one particular Death Guard paladin and his Power Fist who, after losing his whole squad at the hands of the Wolves, got his rigthful revenge and he himself, alone, annihilated an 8-man squad of Grey Hunters and a Landspeeder in close combat (Blessed be the Grandfather!).
An ultra-bloody battle that, in the end, saw every unit engaged in close quarters (except a couple of Space Wolves vehicles destroyed by Chaos firepower). Special mention to one particular Death Guard paladin and his Power Fist who, after losing his whole squad at the hands of the Wolves, got his rigthful revenge and he himself, alone, annihilated an 8-man squad of Grey Hunters and a Landspeeder in close combat (Blessed be the Grandfather!).
Una partida increíble y muy divertida. Al final, victoria de los Lobos Espaciales, victoria pírrica, eso si. Cuando el campo de batalla quedó en calma, de los dos ejércitos, quedaron un total de 7 miniaturas, un Sacerdote Lobo, dos Exterminadores de la Guardia del Lobo, tres vehículos de disparo de Nurgle (uno a 1 herida) y dos Exterminadores de la Guardia de la Muerte. ¡Una autentica carnicería!
It was an awesome and very funny game. At the end the victory went to the Dogs of the Fals... Space Wolves. A Pyrrhic victory since when the dust settled in the battlefield only seven models stood: One Wolf Priest, two Wolf Guard terminators, three shooting vehicles of Nurgle (one with only one wound left) and two Death Guard terminators. A true bloodbath indeed!
It was an awesome and very funny game. At the end the victory went to the Dogs of the Fals... Space Wolves. A Pyrrhic victory since when the dust settled in the battlefield only seven models stood: One Wolf Priest, two Wolf Guard terminators, three shooting vehicles of Nurgle (one with only one wound left) and two Death Guard terminators. A true bloodbath indeed!
++++Una grandisima partida, gracias a Aleix y a Vinç por las fotos y a Viden por la Traducción++++
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