La cosa va cogiendo impulso. Una vez terminada la mayor parte del trabajo con las rocas y aplicada una capa base de marrón a los tres módulos de río. Es hora de empezar con la cobertura vegetal de la mesa y la zona de "playa" en los márgenes del río.
The Second Wave is getting a impulse. Once most of the work with the rocks is finished and the brown basecoat applied to the three river modules, it is time to start with the riverside and the whole table flocking.
The Second Wave is getting a impulse. Once most of the work with the rocks is finished and the brown basecoat applied to the three river modules, it is time to start with the riverside and the whole table flocking.
Para el tema de la playa, empezamos dando una buena capa de cola blanca desde el margen del agua y de una anchura variable e irregular. Luego lo recubriremos todo con una mezcla de tres tipos de arena distintos, desde una muy, muy fina típica de terrario a una con pequeñas piedras de 1mm de grosor (aprox).
For the riverside we started with a generous, irregular layer from the bottom of the river. We are going to cover the whole area with a mix of three types of sand, from a very smooth one to another of 1mm thickness.
For the riverside we started with a generous, irregular layer from the bottom of the river. We are going to cover the whole area with a mix of three types of sand, from a very smooth one to another of 1mm thickness.
Una vez tuvimos las primeras playas listas, el "mestre" Eduard, empezó a trabajar en las zonas adyacentes. Queríamos que las zonas de hierba cercana al río fuera muy verde y "esponjosa" por eso nos decidimos por una mezcla de hierba electrostática de Noch de 2,5mm. Eduard trajo un polarizador casero que ha hecho (y uno pro, para probarlos).
Once the riverside was done, Eduard-sensei started working in the adjacent areas. The idea was to create a deep spongy green near the river. To this end we used a mix of Noch's 2'5mm static grass. Eaduard brought a housemade polarizer (and a professional one so we could test both).
Once the riverside was done, Eduard-sensei started working in the adjacent areas. The idea was to create a deep spongy green near the river. To this end we used a mix of Noch's 2'5mm static grass. Eaduard brought a housemade polarizer (and a professional one so we could test both).
Tras un ratito de trabajo, al final dejamos terminados dos de los tres módulos del río y decidimos dar algún detalle más a las zonas de rocas.
After some work we finished two of the three river modules and decided to ad some details to the rocky outcrops.
After some work we finished two of the three river modules and decided to ad some details to the rocky outcrops.
Así que, hicimos una mezcla de diferentes materiales y empezamos a cubrir ya algunos trozos de la mesa.
So we did another mix and started to cover some patches of the table.
So we did another mix and started to cover some patches of the table.
El próximo día más!!! Dar las gracias a Jordi, Alberto, Eduard y Sergi por el trabajo y la ayuda!!!!
More stuff next day! Thank you to Jordi, Alberto, Eduard and Sergi por the work!
++++Traducido por Viden+++++
More stuff next day! Thank you to Jordi, Alberto, Eduard and Sergi por the work!
++++Traducido por Viden+++++
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